Starting the New Year Fresh!
Facebook: drbhasin
First I hope the holidays went well and that you are looking forward to 2020 as much as I am. I want to take a moment to wish you and your family an amazing year ahead full of amazing health, energy and joy! Also a big thank you to all our patients as we once again won best Chiropractor in Mississauga for 2020! That’s 2 years in a row, so thank you so much!!!!!!!
So let’s start the year ahead with a fresh start. What does that mean? Declutter. This holiday me and my family were doing our best to get rid of items that no longer serve us. We want to make space for feeling lighter and simplicity. And while we still have lots of work left to do – it feels great letting go of stuff you just don’t need. You want to surround yourself with space and objects that make you feel wonderful.
So ask yourself – what can you downsize with? Can you give some clothes, toys or books to a local charity? Is there some food in the house that is not healthy and should be thrown out? Do you have some old books or magazines that you could probably give away?
Are there family and friends you would like to see less of? Or more? Do you surround yourself with positive people that make you feel great? That make you laugh? Hanging around the right people can really help boost your health dramatically!
If you work – are you enjoying your work? Is it time to change departments? Is it time to change where you work? Do you want to start a new business? Do you want to go back to school? If you are in school – do you wish to work? Keep asking these questions until you hit your truth.
Again Happy New Year and God Bless. Caring for you and your family and friends is always our honour.