Want Less Stress? Maintain.
Want less stress? More simplicity? More free time?
Maintain the things you treasure in life when you don’t need to.
Sounds strange right?
But think about it.
Best time to care for teeth – before the cavity.
Best time to care for your heart – before the heart attack.
Best time to care for your marriage – before it ends.
Best time to care for your finances – before bankruptcy.
Best time to care for your car – before it breaks down.
Best time to care for your spine – before the pain and suffering.
This means taking care of the things that mean a lot to you – on a regular basis even if there is no crisis present.
So what does that look like?
Teeth – brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist.
Heart – regular exercise and good nutrition.
Marriage – regular communication and appreciation to the one you love, studying successful marriages
Finances – monitor your spending and work with your accountant
Car – regular oil changes and maintenance check-ups
Spine – destress ( prayer/meditation), regular stretching, good nutrition and regular Chiropractic adjustments.
Maintainance will help make your life better, more simple and give you more peace of mind. And that’s something we could all use.
Stay Blessed. Stay Powerful.