About Dr. Sandy Bhasin

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So far Dr. Sandy Bhasin has created 106 blog entries.

The Best 3 Stretches to Help with Low Back Pain FREE Spinal Check-Up for Returning Patients, Family and Friends!

By |2024-02-12T16:34:48+00:00October 24th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click below: Low Back Pain Relief! Low back pain can be frustrating! These 3 stretches are powerful and will help you get relief. Start slow and gentle and only do what's comfortable. If working with a health professional please share these exercises before starting. All right! Watch the [...]

Chiropractic and Children

By |2023-05-01T21:17:08+00:00May 1st, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Chiropractic and Children In this video, I talk about why Chiropractic is essential for Children. Specifically, I review: - why kids need their spine and nerve system checked - how kids get misalignments in their spines - possible signs and symptoms of spinal misalignments in [...]

Episode # 500: Some Interesting Facts about Dr. Sandy

By |2023-04-24T16:20:13+00:00April 24th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Episode # 500: Some Interesting Facts about Dr. Sandy Thank you for all your support after all this time!!! If you've been watching for years or today is the first time - thank you! In today's video, I share some interesting facts about myself which [...]

Chiro vs Physio: What’s the Difference?

By |2023-04-17T15:30:20+00:00April 17th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Chiro vs Physio: What's the Difference? In this video, I explain the difference between Chiropractic and Physiotherapy. Specifically: What is Chiropractic? What is Physiotherapy? How are these professions similar? How are these professions different? To watch the video click here: Chiro vs Physio: What's the Difference? [...]

3 Tips for Sciatica

By |2023-04-10T16:14:45+00:00April 10th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: 3 Tips for Sciatica In this video, I review the topic of sciatica. Specifically: What is sciatica? What causes sciatica? How to deal with sciatica To watch the video click here: 3 Tips for Sciatica Enjoy and remember Chiropractic keeps you at your best! Need an [...]

#1 Trait in Successful People

By |2023-03-27T07:42:22+00:00March 27th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: #1 Trait in Successful People In this video, I review one of the top traits in successful people. Specifically: - what I've learned after years of studying successful people - how you need to apply this one trait to get successful and remain successful - [...]

Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel

By |2023-03-27T07:42:12+00:00March 20th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel In this video, I talk about carpal tunnel. Specifically: what is carpal tunnel? who is at risk for carpal tunnel? natural tips to prevent/manage carpal tunnel To watch the video click here: Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel Enjoy and remember Chiropractic [...]

Study: Chiropractic Helps High Blood Pressure

By |2023-03-13T15:34:03+00:00March 13th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #chiropracticbloodpressure To jump right to the video click the link below: Study: Chiropractic Helps High Blood Pressure In this video I review a study where they measured how Chiropractic can help people with high blood pressure. Specifically: - what part of the spine affects blood pressure - how the study was [...]

4 Tips for a Healthy Spring!

By |2023-03-06T16:43:18+00:00March 6th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #healthyspring To jump right to the video click the link below: 4 Tips for a Healthy Spring! In this video, I go over the Top 4 Tips for a Healthy Spring including: - time to re-access your gear - time to re-access your workouts - time to re-access your food - [...]

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