About Dr. Sandy Bhasin

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So far Dr. Sandy Bhasin has created 106 blog entries.

The 5 Benefits of Stretching

By |2022-11-21T01:59:57+00:00November 21st, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #stretching To jump right to the video click here: The 5 Benefits of Stretching In this video, I go over the 5 Benefits of Stretching including: - the best times of day to stretch - how stretching is good for energy - how stretching can help you relax and improve sleep To [...]

The Power of Sleep

By |2022-11-14T22:32:35+00:00November 14th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #powerofsleep To jump right to the video click here: The Power of Sleep! In this video, I go over how sleep: - repairs and recharges your body - gives you more power the next day - is an absolute essential for the body! To watch the video click here: The Power of Sleep! [...]

Start Today!

By |2022-11-06T20:27:33+00:00November 6th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #startoday To jump right to the video click here: Start Today! In this video, I go over why you need to start focusing on your health today! stretch walk drink water Sometimes we analyze so much we do nothing! Just take the first step!   To watch the video click here: Start Today! [...]

Dentists Are Awesome!

By |2022-10-31T04:22:36+00:00October 31st, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #maintenance To jump right to the video click here: Dentists Are Awesome! In this video, I go over: how maintaining your teeth makes sense and applies to your spine the 3 Major Cateimplement even some of To watch the video click here: Dentists Are Awesome I really hope you find this video valuable. If [...]

3 Pillars to Great Health

By |2022-10-24T03:08:40+00:00October 24th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #greatresults To jump right to the video click here: 3 Pillars to Great Results In this video, I go over: - the 3 Major Categories to focus on to improve your spine and your overall health - tips for physical, chemical and emotional well-being - if you can implement even some of [...]

3 Major Stressors Affecting Your Health

By |2022-10-17T15:53:27+00:00October 17th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #stressaffectshealth To jump right to the video click here: 3 Major Stressors Affecting Your Health In this video, I go over: - how your spine and nerve system keeps the body healthy - 3 major causes of stress to your spine - specific examples of stress affecting your nervous system To watch [...]

Happy Thanksgiving from Powerflow Chiropractic!

By |2022-10-10T04:23:52+00:00October 10th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #thanksgiving Just wanted to wish you, your family and friends an incredible Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for and from all of us at Powerflow Chiropractic we just wanted to say thank you for choosing our office for getting better and getting stronger. We appreciate each and every [...]

Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Brain

By |2022-09-26T05:40:37+00:00September 26th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #healthybrain To jump right to the video click here: Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Brain In this video I go over: - why sleep is essential for a healthy brain - how drinking water increases focus - a strong body means a strong brain - the best foods for brain function [...]

Sports and Chiropractic

By |2022-09-19T15:48:15+00:00September 19th, 2022|

  #powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #sportschiropractic To jump right to the video click here: Sports and Chiropractic In this video I go over: - how Chiropractic can help with sports recovery and performance - sports injuries that Chiropractic can help improve - how Chiropractic can take your game to the next level Many of the greatest [...]

Top 4 Tips for a Healthy Back to School

By |2022-09-12T05:11:32+00:00September 12th, 2022|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #backtoschoolhealthtips To jump right to the video click here: Top 4 Tips for a Healthy Back to School In this video I go over: - the 4 major components for keeping your child healthy for back to school - how listening to your child's symptoms should be taken seriously - how building healthy [...]

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