About s21-designer

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So far s21-designer has created 33 blog entries.

Take a Vacation Video by Dr. Sandy and Office Re-opens Mon Aug 7

By |2023-08-07T15:10:57+00:00August 7th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click below: Take a Vacation! You work hard. You need a break. It's good for you physically, mentally and emotionally. And surprisingly you'll be more productive when you get back to work. You are special. Treat yourself special. And watch how awesome your life becomes. You won't regret [...]

Push Harder! Video Tip by Dr. Sandy and Summer Holiday Schedule

By |2023-08-07T15:08:40+00:00August 7th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Push Harder! You are amazing. You are great. And you need to express that incredible potential. But you need to push harder. Stretch more. Exercise more. Eat better. Just push harder - and watch how great your life can really become! God Bless. If [...]

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