Dr Sandy’s Home GYM

By |2022-03-07T22:08:56+00:00December 20th, 2021|

In this video, I show you my home gym and where I work out on a regular basis. To watch the video click here: This gym is a work in progress - but I love it! In this video I'll show you that: - you don't need a lot of space - you don't need a [...]

Building a Powerful Morning Routine for 2022

By |2021-12-13T18:18:50+00:00December 13th, 2021|

It's time to start planning out for 2022! And what could be more powerful than creating a morning routine that makes your day awesome! In this video, I will go over the fundamentals for creating an amazing morning including: how starting your day with prayer or meditation is the first step planning your day out [...]

Atomic Habits Book Review

By |2021-12-06T18:43:21+00:00December 6th, 2021|

  It's hard to believe but 2021 is almost finished! I hope you and your family have been safe and healthy - and I hope you are setting new goals for 2021. In this video, I will review a fantastic book that I highly recommend called " Atomic Habits " by James Clear. In my [...]

We’ve been Nominated and Need Your Vote!

By |2021-11-29T17:32:31+00:00November 29th, 2021|

It is with great excitement that I would like to announce we have been nominated Top Chiropractor in Mississauga once again! Thank you so much for all your support!!! To watch the video please click here: here. I am truly honoured and humbled to be in this category. I have such joy helping people - and [...]

Top 5 Ways to To Simplify Your Life

By |2021-11-23T04:34:55+00:00November 23rd, 2021|

To watch the video on The Top 5 Ways to Recharge click here. In this video, I go over: - The top things you need to do now to have more free time - How energy will expand the time you have - The best way to feel less stressed Make sure to like, share and [...]

Top 5 Ways to Recharge

By |2021-11-15T19:08:39+00:00November 15th, 2021|

To watch the video on The Top 5 Ways to Recharge click here. In this video, I go over: The Best Ways to Recharge and Refresh if You Feel Overwhelmed These Changes are Simple and Don't Require a lot of Time and Effort How Chiropractic Helps You Feel Better and More Relaxed Make sure to like, [...]

Sleep and Your Nerve System

By |2021-11-08T16:49:08+00:00November 8th, 2021|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy To watch the video on Sleep and Your Nerve System click here. In this video, I go over: Why Sleep is not a waste of time and how a lack of it affects you When is the best time to sleep? Tips on getting the best sleep Enjoy! Make sure to like, share and [...]

Health Span vs Life Span: Two Critical Numbers You Need to Know

By |2021-11-01T17:31:45+00:00November 1st, 2021|

To watch the video on Health Span vs Life Span click here. In this video, I go over: Why Both Health Span and Life Span are numbers you should be working on Based on the research what are the exact values of these numbers? What can be done to improve these numbers? Enjoy! Make sure to [...]

3 Levels of Healthcare

By |2021-10-25T16:40:07+00:00October 25th, 2021|

  To watch the video on the 3 Levels of Healthcare click here. Hope you and your family are doing awesome! In this video I go over: - the 3 levels of healthcare and why you need to build a team to be as healthy as possible - I recommend a book that has a powerful [...]

3 Major Factors in Healing

By |2021-10-18T17:01:44+00:00October 18th, 2021|

To watch the video on 3 Major Factors in Healing click here. In this video, I go over: 3 Major Factors that determine your rate of healing and how # 3 is all up to you properties of the people who heal the best and fastest control this one variable and your health will dramatically improve [...]

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