3 Tips for Sciatica

By |2023-04-10T16:14:45+00:00April 10th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: 3 Tips for Sciatica In this video, I review the topic of sciatica. Specifically: What is sciatica? What causes sciatica? How to deal with sciatica To watch the video click here: 3 Tips for Sciatica Enjoy and remember Chiropractic keeps you at your best! Need an [...]

#1 Trait in Successful People

By |2023-03-27T07:42:22+00:00March 27th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: #1 Trait in Successful People In this video, I review one of the top traits in successful people. Specifically: - what I've learned after years of studying successful people - how you need to apply this one trait to get successful and remain successful - [...]

Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel

By |2023-03-27T07:42:12+00:00March 20th, 2023|

To jump right to the video click the link below: Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel In this video, I talk about carpal tunnel. Specifically: what is carpal tunnel? who is at risk for carpal tunnel? natural tips to prevent/manage carpal tunnel To watch the video click here: Natural Tips for Carpal Tunnel Enjoy and remember Chiropractic [...]

Study: Chiropractic Helps High Blood Pressure

By |2023-03-13T15:34:03+00:00March 13th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #chiropracticbloodpressure To jump right to the video click the link below: Study: Chiropractic Helps High Blood Pressure In this video I review a study where they measured how Chiropractic can help people with high blood pressure. Specifically: - what part of the spine affects blood pressure - how the study was [...]

4 Tips for a Healthy Spring!

By |2023-03-06T16:43:18+00:00March 6th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #healthyspring To jump right to the video click the link below: 4 Tips for a Healthy Spring! In this video, I go over the Top 4 Tips for a Healthy Spring including: - time to re-access your gear - time to re-access your workouts - time to re-access your food - [...]

The NFL and Chiropractic

By |2023-02-13T17:13:53+00:00February 13th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #nflchiropractic To jump right to the video click the link below: The NFL and Chiropractic In this video, I go over how Chiropractic keeps NFL players at their best. Specifically: - which teams use Chiropractic for their players - the benefits of Chiropractic for athletes - which football celebrities have benefited [...]

What is Chiropractic? The Top 4 Benefits for You and Your Family

By |2023-02-06T16:52:47+00:00February 6th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #whatischiropractic To jump right to the video click the link below: What is Chiropractic? In this video, I review What Exactly is Chiropractic and how it helps you and your family. This includes: - the training and study of a Chiropractor - the 4 Major Systems in your body that Chiropractors [...]

Spinal Analysis: Understanding The Power Behind Your Chiropractic Exam

By |2023-01-30T06:27:55+00:00January 30th, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #chiropracticexam #chiropracticconsultation #chiropracticscan To jump right to the video click the link below: Spinal Analysis In this video, I review all the steps that go into a Chiropractic exam so you can get the best results possible. This includes: - signs of a healthy and unhealthy spine - the subjective and [...]

The Power of Deep Breathing

By |2023-01-23T17:15:24+00:00January 23rd, 2023|

#powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #deepbreathing To jump right to the video click the link below: The Power of Deep Breathing In this video, I go over tips about deep breathing including: - the benefits of deep breathing - ways to practice deep breathing - how even a few minutes daily can improve your life I [...]

Thank you for our 5th Win!

By |2023-01-16T11:09:02+00:00January 16th, 2023|

  #powerflowchiropractic #drsandy #mississaugachiro #bramptonchiro #topchiropractor To jump right to the video click the link below: Thank you! We won again! It is with great honour and excitement that I would like to announce that we have just had our 5th Win as the Top Choice Chiropractor in Mississauga! Thank You to God. He is [...]

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