Building Your Wellness Team Part 1

Everyone needs a team.
Your family and friends make up your team.
The people you work with are your team.
And you need a Wellness Team to have the highest levels of health.
I would say the most important criteria is having a health professional who listens and cares and is in alignment with your health values.
Chiropractor – the goal of a Chiropractor is to ensure your central nerve system and spine (which controls the way you feel and function on a muscular and organ level) is as strong as healthy as possible. Your Chiropractor will also guide you with exercise and nutrition tips to help your nerve system operate at the highest levels. Over time besides feeling better – you would also expect more energy, better sleep, enhanced flexibilty, greater sense of calm and sharper focus. Chiropractors will usually recommend gentle and natural ways to help the body heal and get stronger – and see medications and surgery as necessary but only after all natural options have been exhausted.
Medical Doctor – will help with your overall health and a good resource for getting tested (ie. blood tests, MRI and CT Scans). Also your first line of defense in emergency situations (ie. heart attacks, fractures, cuts and burns) and can help you naviagate with chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol.
The key again is finding a medical doctor who can tell you the truth but is also respectful of your thoughts and questions. A compassionate Doctor can be sensed witin seconds. One who can truly inspire you to make better health choices.
Naturopath – can help find natural ways to improve your health and may focus on nutrition, supplements, homeopathic remedies or even acupuncture. Again feeling comfortable with a naturopathic doctor like any other health professional is critical. A naturopath may be able to help with weight issues, hormonal issues or even allergy and skin issues.
Next week I will go into Part 2 of Your Wellness Team.
Dr. Sandy Bhasin
Thanks for referring family and friends.
We are honoured to be of service.
Booking by Appointments
As so much has changed in the world and we always seek to improve your experience in the office – we will now be booking your appointments by date and time.
Drop ins will be accepted – but priority will be given to people who have booked appointments ahead of time.
So call ahead at 905.896.3393 to book a date and time that suits you and our team will make an appointment for you.
As we are in transition – we kindly ask for your patience as we start to this new system in our office.
Thanks for your understanding.
Mandatory Face Masks
Following local bylaws and building requirements – we are asking all patients to wear a face mask when you come to our office for your appointments. We need your help to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Dr.Sandy Bhasin
NEW REGULAR HOURS – Please book appointment time for all shifts. Drop in patients will have to wait. Thank you.
Mon 10-12 2-6
Tues 2-6
Wed 10-12 2-6
Thu 2-6
Sat 10-12
As always:
a) if you have any fever, cough or cold please cancel your appointment and wait 14 days to let your symptoms past. Contact your family doctor to decide on the best course of action.
b) if you are being tested for COVID wait for the results before booking your next appointment. If the results are negative you should be fine. If the results are positive you must stay home for at least 14 days. Again contact your family doctor.
c) in the office keep space between yourself and other patients of 6 feet.
d) If you need a receipt or statement they will be emailed to you after the shift. Let us know if you need a statement every 2 weeks or monthly.
Stay Blessed. Stay Strong.
Dr. Sandy Bhasin