FOOD: Where Do I Start?

Food. Diets. Meal Plans. Losing Weight. Gaining Weight.
Seems like there is a new book everyday on how to eat right.
So where do you start? What’s the philosophy we follow at Powerflow Chiropractic?
Keep it Simple.
Make sure when you eat – it’s real food as much as possible. This is inspired by the Paleo diet. So basically eat lots of veggies, fruits, good quality protein and minimize processed carbs.
But cut back on pasta, bread and roti.
Be regular with your eating habits. Naturally eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. And try to eat something small and healthy every 2 hours. Keep your body nourished. I do not support causing the body to starve which can lead to serious health issues.
And of course drinking water throughout the day.
Caffeine – 2-3 times a week is the goal. Drinking tea or coffee daily?
Take small steps – but reduce caffeine as your results will be much better. If you drop caffeine too quickly you may experience headaches. And if you really need that tea or coffee – earlier in the day is better.
Alcohol should be reduced. Less dairy. Look at alternatives like almond or coconut milk.
I recommend a good multivite, probiotic and a healthy oil (fish or flax seed.)
Also – go for a great diet – not a perfect one. (80% Healhty 20% Fun).
Honestly – I love sweets!!! So I try to eat healthy on the weekdays and enjoy a little bit on the weekends. (I do love ice cream – especially in the summer!)
And finally whatever food plan you follow – measure how you feel.
A good meal plan should:
Make you feel energized
Keep you regular
Contain meals you enjoy
As with all changes in nutrition be aware of any allergies and if you are on certain medications please consult your family physician.
Stay Blessed. Stay Strong.
Dr. Sandy Bhasin
Thanks for referring family and friends.
We are honoured to be of service.
Mandatory Face Masks
Following local bylaws and building requirements – we are asking all patients to wear a face mask when you come to our office for your appointments. We need your help to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Dr.Sandy Bhasin