Your Nutrition for 2021

What New Years Plan would be complete without mentioning food.
Here are some tips to get started:
1. Make real food a priority. Try to buy at least 80% real food. Real veggies, fruit and protein. Regardless of how you eat – for most people this makes sense.
2. Drink water. I have to admit I could be better in this category. Try to drink water 80% of the time when you have a drink. Cold, hot whatever works for you just make this a priority.
3. Eat healthy food in small portions every few hours. I know lots of people are fasting for long hours. If this works great. But my best recommendation is high frequency and low portions.
4. Design a plan. Are you constantly wondering what to eat? Does thinking of what to eat stress you out? Make time to plan your meals. To get started visit and click on the Nutrition Tab. I have a smoothie recipe and a 7-day food plan for veg and non-veg people. Maybe even come up with simple healthy options for the New Year. Remember simplicty equal compliance.
5. Be concious of what you eat. They are certain foods that make us feel great – and then there are foods that really bring us down. Start making a list of foods that make you feel awesome – and foods that make you feel bloated, acidic or tired. Also make a note of when you eat and feel your best. This one tip is huge if you follow it.
Bonus Tip: I’ve been using an app called Instacart to have food delivered to my home and I really love it! There are fees of course but I really enjoy the time I’m saving. There is a another app called Voila which is run by Sobey’s. Little more affordable but not as fast. Please consider these apps to make your life easier.
Dr. Sandy Bhasin
Powerflow Chiropractic
Final Week for Voting for Top Choice Awards
Voting is coming to a close on Sunday Dec 20 so again we ask for your support! If you have already voted thank you. If not please follow the instructions below. Thank you!!
1. Visit
2. Click on the gold button that says “Vote Now”.
3 A search bar will open. Type in ” Powerflow Chiropractic”
4. Scroll down and click the “Vote” Button on the right hand side.
5. Follow the Steps and Vote “Powerflow Chiropractic”. It should take about 3 minutes.
I want to say thank you in advance for all your help and support. We look forward to keeping you, your family and friends healthy and strong in the years to come.
Thanks again and God Bless!
Dr. Sandy Bhasin
Powerflow Chiropractic
This is our final week before closing for the holidays. We will be open until Sat Dec 19 and then re-open Monday Jan 4 2021 at 10 am. Please make sure you get your appointments in before we close for the holidays.
Booking by Appointments
As so much has changed in the world and we always seek to improve your experience in the office – we will now be booking your appointments by date and time.
So call ahead at 905.896.3393 to book a date and time that suits you
and our team will make an appointment for you.
As we are in transition – we kindly ask for your patience as we start to this new system in our office.
Thanks for your understanding.
Mandatory Face Masks
Following local bylaws and building requirements – we are asking all patients to wear a face mask when you come to our office for your appointments. We need your help to keep everyone safe and healthy. We are also taking steps for regular cleaning of adjusting tables after every patient visit as well as regular cleaning of the entire office.
Your safety is our number one priority.
Dr.Sandy Bhasin
NEW REGULAR HOURS – Please book appointment time for all shifts. Drop in patients will have to wait. Thank you.
Mon 10-12 2-6
Tues 2-6
Wed 10-12 2-6
Thu 2-6
Sat 10-12
As always:
a) if you have any fever, cough or cold please cancel your appointment and wait 14 days to let your symptoms past. Contact your family doctor to decide on the best course of action.
b) if you are being tested for COVID wait for the results before booking your next appointment. If the results are negative you should be fine. If the results are positive you must stay home for at least 14 days. Again contact your family doctor.
c) in the office keep space between yourself and other patients of 6 feet.
d) If you need a receipt or statement they will be emailed to you after the shift. Let us know if you need a statement every 2 weeks or
Dr. Sandy Bhasin
Powerflow Chiropractic